The Health MediPlex Defined
Big tech companies believe high-powered, costly, virtual reality or augmented reality (VR/AR) hardware is essential. Our unique XR/VR/AR approach creates 'digital twins' without the need for immersion.
More...H6FIT Virtual Center for Health & Wellness
The H6FIT Virtual Center for Health & Wellness provides a stunning, immersive well-care community environment. Over 70% of consumers seek a trustworthy virtual health and wellness solution.
More...H6FIT MediPlex Real Estate
H6FIT MediPlex Realty levels the metaverse playing field. We provide a low-cost opportunity to invest in the metaverse.
More...Center Arbitrage
Real Estate increases in value. Metaverse trends indicate fast growth and tremendous financial gains. First-buyer advantage: Earn 5% transaction fee every time your property is resold.
More...Center Rental Management
H6FIT Property Management provides administrative rental management services for property owners.
More...Center Property Development
The H6FIT Virtual Center for Health and Wellness MediPlex is a fully functional Web 4.0 platform for wellness professionals and product providers. Unlike “digital dirt” opportunities where you purchase virtual land and hope its value appreciates, H6FIT develops your property, working with you to provide a customized wellness center that provides a full-fledged ongoing revenue stream.
More...MediPlex Support Team
The H6FIT MediPlex Support Team provides valuable digital health services and support to Center Owners and wellness professionals…
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